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Yuanhua Peaktop PT-707L1 Replacement RPT-707L1-10W Light-W-Pump


Yuanhua Peaktop PT-707L1 Replacement RPT-707L1-10W Indoor / outdoor fountain pump with 10W Light , Great for Lion Head, Vase, Cherub Statuary’s fountains. Mag driven, no oil , no seals, energy efficient submersible pump and light. Complies with various international safety requirements. Fountain pump engineer experts RAMM Pumps. Copyright [10.25.22]

Dimensions : 5 ft cord, outlet adapters 1/4″,1/2″ id hose
Pump Dims : L 2.25″ x H 2″ x W 1.75″
Electrical : 12vac
Performance : MAX FLOW 118 gph

Recommended Lift : 33″ or less
Shutoff 38″
Warr 90 days

Weight 3 lbs



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